Here are reasons to buy property in Nigeria from a real estate company

I know you may not have thought about why you should buy land from a real estate company. You’re wondering if this is better than buying from locals (omoniles).

This has been a debatable topic for some reasons, but this article addresses some of the arguments, and explains to you the reasons why buying from a real estate company is a very safe investment.

But the big question is, 

Why do you need to buy property from a real estate company?

Land is a very important investment that almost never depreciates in value. It is the best investment because it ensures that an investor gets a maximum return on their investment. Its value can double, triple, or quadruple depending on various factors like infrastructure, location, and title.

Buying land from a real estate company has a lot of gains that come with it. Whether you are buying the land as an investment in Nigeria, or you want to buy and build for yourself, it is worth noting that the best means to go through the process of buying seamlessly is buying the property from a real estate company. We have outlined 6 strong reasons to buy land from a real estate company.

Benefits of buying land from a property firm

First of all, we have to understand what a real estate company is and their role. Simply put, a real estate company is a legally registered body or establishment that is in the business of buying, selling, and developing properties.

Still in doubt about buying land from a real estate company? See a list of benefits:

1. Accurate Documentation of Land

When you buy land from a real estate company, you can rest assured because real estate companies have a team of professionals, like lawyers and estate surveyors, who handle the documentation aspect of the sale. 

2. Land Security

Many investors who buy land, buy it and leave it to appreciate  before developing it or deciding to cash in.

Unfortunately, some who decide to buy from families or communities  (omonile) end up having their land resold to other buyers, and then they have to fight for their land through several court cases, wasting time and money. 

Buying from a real estate company will eliminate such an experience for you. You can buy it, leave it for any number of years you want, and when you come back, your land is still intact, waiting to embrace you.

3. Your money is in Safe Hands

There’s nothing as scary as putting your money in the hands of someone you cannot track. Like stated above, some of these locals can collect money from two buyers for the same piece of land and abscond, hence, putting the buyers at loggerheads with each other. 

Avoid the headache and buy your land from a real estate company.

4. Free From Government Acquisition

If you are buying land from an area without a layout plan, don’t be too excited, because it looks like the area is under government acquisition.

You can read this post to understand what it means to be under acquisition. A real estate company will ensure that you don’t encounter any of such problems because their estates should have been certified by the ministry of housing and the state government.

5. Properly Designed Estate

A well designed estate is extremely advantageous, in that it clearly defines the overall layout of an estate and makes it easier for anyone to build without trying to figure out the positions of things like the drainage, road and so on.

These are already clearly stated on the layout of the estate, which you get to enjoy if you buy land from a real estate company.

6. No Community (Omonile) Issues

When someone buys a piece of land from the locals (communities or families), popularly known as “omoniles” in Lagos, it’s akin to inheriting their troubles.

This is because whenever the buyer decides to develop their land, they will be bamboozled with a lot of taxation at every point of the project. From the foundation to the lintel level, then to the deck, the roofing and so on.

All this nonsense would not exist if you decide to buy land from real estate companies.

In conclusion, it is evident that buying land or even houses from a real estate company will eliminate so many unwanted experiences most people have. Why don’t you take the step today and make the right investment with the right people?


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